“We gained more new customers in the last six months while using FocusPoint that we have in the past two years.”
– Cliff Harris, Co-owner, Triple S Sporting Supplies

Over the past half century, Triple S Sporting Supplies has grown from a mail order fishing and hunting supply store run out of the basement of a family home to a wholesale fishing and tackle merchandise dealer with a global presence, offering more than 22,000 products from 400 different manufacturers to both “mom and pop” stores and “big box” retailers, alike.
The growth of the company, and changing customer habits, necessitated a transition from printed catalogues to an online presence that showcased the breadth of their products. Triple S made that leap in 2007 when they chose an SAP Business One implementation as the foundation of their evolution into a digital company. In 2014, Triple S took the next big step in their evolution when they offered online ordering for the first time, and even integrated a smartphone app into their customer service offering, which allowed for scanning of UPCs for rapid reorders and, in the process, became an early adopter of the “electronic transaction” concept.
As Triple S continued their upward trajectory, their customers’ expectations related to both service and experience evolved. It was only a matter of time before the legacy catalogue company sought out an e-commerce solution that could solve their needs of today – and tomorrow.
In 2019, Triple S sought to identify an e-commerce partner who could provide them the ability to see real-time updates of inventory, deliver customers a B2C quality experience on a B2B e-commerce site and accommodate their vast catalogue of 22,000 products across 1,300 categories, while also being simple to navigate, yet offering powerful features from a user standpoint, and, of course, would include a quick and seamless integration.
- Manage the large number of SKUs
- Process high order volume and intake
- Aggregate all business processes and order management protocols on a single, easy to use platform
As the only e-commerce solution in the market dedicated entirely to SAP Business One, FocusPoint® was in the rare position of being able to meet all the needs on Triple S’s wish list. The FocusPoint® team and the Triple S team took a collaborative approach to the implementation, and the unmatched configurability of FocusPoint® eliminated the oftentimes lengthy process of rewriting code, allowing the new e-commerce solution to get up and running “right out-of-the-box” in virtually no time. And, the bi-directional connectivity between FocusPoint and Triple S’s SAP Business One database allows for real time updates moving forward, the ongoing handling of user defined objects and fields and the continued integration of all major business processes including marketing, analytics, social media and warehousing.
In just its first year in place, the FocusPoint® e-commerce solution yielded a 128% increase in customer-placed online orders and a 100% increase in website traffic for Triple S. And, moving forward, the Triple S team now has a user-friendly website that increases customer visits, provides more time to focus on outbound selling and, due to its high degree of usability, frees up the customer service team to focus on growing accounts, instead of trouble shooting problems – or even get some of their own lines in the water…
Brought to you by the B2B and B2c e-commerce implementation team at FocusPoint: an all-in-one solution for SAP Business One customers.